Purdue University leads state’s public colleges in reported rapes
WEST LAFAYETTE IN Nov 11 2017 — Purdue University reported the most rapes among Indiana’s four-year public universities.
According to Purdue’s annual safety report, there were 23 reported rapes in 2016 — the most reported out of all of Indiana’s public colleges.
Out of all the four-year universities, though, Purdue is one of the highest in enrollment. This year’s numbers compare to Indiana University’s 21 reported rapes.
Purdue’s number of reported rapes did decrease since 2015. In fact, all the four-year universities in Indiana reported less rapes in 2016, except for the University of Southern Indiana, which increased by one.
Out of the 23 incidents that were reported, only nine were reported directly to the Purdue Police Department, Purdue Police Capt. Eric Chin said.
The other 14 cases were reported through Campus Security Authority. Campus Security Authorities can be resident assistants, a student group adviser or “any university official with significant responsibility for student campus activity.”
Another thing to note, Purdue Police Chief John Cox said, is that if a person reported a crime in 2016 that happened a year or two before, it will be included in the 2016 report.
According to data provided by the U.S. Department of Education, Purdue reported five sexual offense in 2006.
Chin said it isn’t that more rapes are occurring; more are being reported than years before.
He credits the number of campus security authorities around campus and a comfortable environment on campus for people to come forward and report such crimes.
“We’ve built a strong, comfortable community,” Chin said.
If you or someone needs immediate assistance, call 911.
Students may call Purdue’s Center for Advocacy, Response and Education (CARE) 24/7 on its 24-hour confidential information and support hotline at 765-495-4357.
Rape Survivor Advocates also are available through the Mental Health Association in Tippecanoe County at 765-742-0244.
2016 reported rapes*
Purdue (41,573 enrollment**): 23
Ball State University (19,014 enrollment): 15
Indiana State University (13,771 enrollment): 7
Indiana University (49,695 enrollment): 21
University of Southern Indiana (11,033 enrollment: 4
2015 reported rapes*
Purdue: 27
Ball State University: 26
Indiana State University: 9
Indiana University: 39
University of Southern Indiana: 3
*provided by the university’s annual safety report
**enrollment numbers are what the universities advertise on their websites and includes graduate student
Journal and Courier