Armour College announces Community Campus Initiative
Richmond VA June 11 2019
Armour College-Technical Institute, a public safety trade school is rolling out smaller neighborhood campuses and bringing their courses into communities that are underserved by higher learning institutions.
Founded in 2010, the mission of our schools is to put people to work through certifications and career learning and to help them to maintain those credentials required by employers said Richard McCann, Founder and President.
Our courses and programs include all areas of the public safety field including law enforcement and private security, fire and emergency medical services, patient care positions including nursing assistants and medical technicians, and the legal profession, McCann said.
Training is a key component of these professions and sometimes it’s hard for people to make the time to get into class to recertify or to take the necessary new courses to advance a person’s career.
Armour College already offers a unique program called “We Bring The School To You” which allows a business, church or school to schedule a specific type of training for their employees
Community Campuses are a partnership with our neighbors to bring a schedule of courses to their community during evening, week-end and regular daytime hours which allows localized learning with flexible hours.
Our plans are to seek out unique locations for our Community Campuses including shopping malls, churches, neighborhood recreation centers, small businesses, retail outlets, fitness centers and almost any other type of business that might be conducive to our objectives said David Allen, Regional Training and Resource Director. We’ve already lined up a wrestling club, a youth training school and a local community center.
Area security and medical schools, churches and other businesses are encouraged to contact us for more information on how we can partner with you to bring more education to your area.
Please contact: Carrie Baker