Edmonton rolls out robo-parking patrol
Edmonton Canada Sept 20 2017 Be warned. An Edmonton driver’s chances of getting away with illegal parking are set to drop dramatically when city officials roll out their new robo-parking patrol.
Car-mounted cameras will automatically check licence plates against the parking payment records while rolling at 50 km/h on downtown streets. A wall-mounted camera will take a picture every time a car enters or exits a city-owned parking lot to ensure payment and the human patrol no longer tasked with marching downtown streets will redeploy to school zones and other hot-spot areas.
City officials are evaluating product bids now and hope to have a test car on city streets in October. The full rollout would hit Edmonton by spring. “That would be ideal,” said Erin Blaine, parking enforcement coordinator.
“It’s just a way more efficient way to use resources,” Blaine said. The parking rules are there to ensure spots remain open for drop-in customers for local businesses, and the automated enforcement will be more reliable for everyone. “It eliminates officer error.”
Similar to photo radar, scofflaws will get a ticket in the mail rather than under their vehicle’s windshield wiper. It will include a photo of the licence plate, which Blaine hopes will reduce the number of people appealing these tickets in court. She currently has five to 10 officers called to court every week.
It’s a $50 ticket for motorists who do not pay for parking.
An update on the project went to city council last week. It’s a $12-million effort, with $5.2 million already spent on the new digital parking meters. It’s listed as late because the city originally thought it could roll out the whole plan by 2015.
The third phase — having city-owned parkades calculate the number and location of spots left — is still being developed.
The report to council says implementation was delayed while city officials investigated the possibility of partnering with another municipality.
Currently, any one parking spot on a downtown street is checked two times a day, pretty good odds if you’re only stopping for five minutes. Under the new plan, four vehicles will be able to reach each spot four times a day.
The fixed cameras will pick out vehicles for non-payment 100 per cent of the time, Blaine said. There will be signs at the entrances to parkades warning the public. The city owns the City Hall parkade, Canada Place parkade, the library parkade and the parking lot off Whyte Avenue near the Strathcona Farmers Market.
The 25-enforcement staff currently walking those beats will be redeployed to check for cars parked too close to crosswalks near schools, cars parked on restricted residential streets around hospitals and employment centres, and other hot spots where teams get numerous 311 reports, said Blaine. “There are many other areas of the city that need attention.”