Little Rock School District security officers participate in training
Little Rock AR Aug 19 2022 The Little Rock School District security officers are preparing for the school to start next with their annual training.
Ron Self, the district’s director for safety and security said part of their training included CRASE, which means civilian response to an active shooter event.
According to Self, keeping everyone on campus safe is their top priority. He said their training usually remains the same with some added updates.
“I don’t think that it changed anything, it just more or less reaffirms what we were already doing which is the avoid, deny, defend or the run, hide, fight scenario,” Self said.
Self told KATV they also incorporate their ‘stop the bleed’ training use tourniquets. He said it’s an tool that applies pressure to a traumatic wound. Officials with LRPD said they used this piece of equipment for the first time a few years ago at Central High School.
“LRPD was able to deploy a tourniquet on an accidental situation that was able to stop the bleed with a student and possibly save the student’s life,” Self said.
Angela Duran is an LRSD parent with two sons. She said she’s confident her boys are safe at school because of LRSD’s resource officer presence at at Forest Heights Stem Academy.
“I think he’s been there as long as my children have been there and he’s armed, so we are protected everyday,” Duran said.
According to Duran, she’s thankful LRSD has implemented resource officers, especially after witnessing the tragedy that struck Uvalde.
Self told KATV they have other trainings during the school year when it’s needed.