Poudre Valley Hospital security guards charged with restraining-assaulting female co-worker
DECEMBER 30 2018
Police were called to the Poudre Valley Hospital Friday night by a security officer who told officers that she was restrained, assaulted and held against her will by several other security officers.
Fort Collins police conducted an investigation and determined that the contract security officers who were working at the hospital, did in fact, aggressively, restrained the female security officer and had assaulted her several times prior to releasing her.
Security Supervisor Yas Al Khazaali, 35, and Jeffrey Doak, 27, were each charged with second-degree assault, second-degree kidnapping and false imprisonment – all felony offenses.
According to a Fort Collins Police press release, the female victim did not sustain any injuries. But, they would not go into detail about the incident.
The police also did not say how the co-worker was restrained or what type of an assault that it was.
The security officers worked for a contract security agency who has not yet been named.
Police have stated that the employer suspended the two suspects when police notified them of the allegations.
Anyone with information about these incidents or suspects, who have not already spoken to police, is asked to contact detective Annie Hill at 970-221-6340, or Crime Stoppers of Larimer County at 970-221-6868 or www.stopcriminals.org.