Private firm of litter police to patrol Gloucester’s streets dishing out fines
Gloucester UK Sept 14 2018
Plans to use a private security firm to issue fines to people who drop litter and leave their dog’s mess behind in Gloucester were rubber-stamped last night.
A team of litter police will patrol the streets and hand out fines of up to £100 across the city as part of a 12 month trial.
There will be three enforcement officers at first over the trial period, and then a fourth could be brought in if necessary, according to a council document. Each will be expected to issue four fines per day.
Gloucester City Council won’t pay 3GS, an enviro-crime enforcement company. Instead the firm will split profits 50/50 with itself and the authority. The profit money designated for the council would be pumped back into environmental services.
It is not known when the officers will begin patrolling the streets, but it could be from anytime this month, the document said.
According to the report presented to the council’s cabinet meeting last night (September 12), the authority spends approximately £1million per year clearing litter and flytipping, street sweeping, litter bin emptying and litter picking.
Under the approved plans, the penalty charge for dropping litter (including from vehicles) and dog fouling will increase from £50 to £75 if a person pays early, and £75 to £100 if not paid past the first deadline.
The three enforcement officers will be targeted to issue four fines per day each but Richard Cook, the councillor in charge of environment at the council, said no 3GS staff will be “incentivised by this scheme”.
The council said it’s chosen 3GS because it focuses on educating communities about littering as well as enforcement.
Speaking after the meeting, Mr Cook (Kingsway): “Seems to me we’ve made a good choice with 3GS because they are focused on educative issues. Minimum four per day? They’ll do more than break-even on that.
“The scale of the problem is huge. Walk down the gate streets and there is chewing gum on the ground. People will drop their fags on the ground as well. Why are those taxpayer responsibilities? Why is £1m being spent every year on people who can’t be bothered to clear up after themselves?”
He also revealed the council plans to work with Gloucester Rugby Club to ensure announcements will be made during matches about the officers.
Labour leader Terry Pullen slammed the decision to use a private firm rather than perform the service in-house.
Mr Pullen (Moreland) said: “This is yet more evidence that the city council is struggling to provide vital services. The council does not have the staff and resources to deliver services themselves, having made 60 staff redundant last year.
“Now they have to resort to using private contractors. You would think that the council would have learnt lessons from dealing with Amey, another private contractor who have failed miserably to provide a waste and recycling service. Council services should be delivered by council staff and not to make a profit for private contractors.”
Opposition leader Liberal Democrat Jeremy Hilton said the decision to crackdown on people who litter is a “welcome” one.
Mr Hilton (Kingsholm & Wotton): “I welcome the decision to increase fines for people littering the streets of Gloucester and the announcement that litter enforcement officers will be employed to patrol the city.
“Our preference would be for them to be employed in house rather than through a private contractor.
“However, we must take action to reduce the amount of bottles, cans, food cartons and cigarette butts that litter our historic city. People have been warned, if they drop litter on the street they face a £100 fine.”
The officers will work between between 7.30am and 7.30pm, as well as working evenings and weekends if it is deemed necessary.