Security officers bring small, much-needed miracle to friendly neighbors
YAKIMA, WA Dec 24 2017 – Giving back to those in need is such a simple concept, and that’s what a group of guys at the federal courthouse in Yakima were doing this morning for a couple they say is extended family.
Every day for at least the past 8 years, court security officers at the William O. Douglas Federal Building see Sharon walking her dog McDuff around the block so he can do his business.
“He knows, he comes by here,” said security officer Mark Quillen. “He climbs up the stairs and he waits for someone to come out: ‘Okay, hurry up, get the treat.'”
Over the years, officers have really gotten to know Sharon, her husband Bill, and McDuff. So they wanted to do something nice – get some money together to buy them a gift certificate for a restaurant.
But then they found out that Sharon and Bill are going through a rough time. Their rent just went up and they live on a fixed income. So the group of security officers decided to help.
“I’ve got all these friends, I never realized until just now,” said Sharon. “But thank you.”
“It’s a wonderful thing,” Bill said.
One officer reached out to his church to see what they could do, and they came back with a couple boxes and bags full of food.
“I just feel blessed,” Sharon said. “I know that God has been watching out for us and this is his way of helping us.”
But that’s not all. Instead of using cash to buy a gift certificate to a restaurant, the security officers put the cash in a Christmas card for Sharon and Bill to go towards helping them out with their rent.
“Everybody ought to do that, is to help somebody out,” Quillen admitted. “It’s a great feeling.”
A lot of the guys were just as emotional as Sharon when she opened the Christmas card, which just goes to show that any act of kindness, big or small, will always feel larger than life for those who receive it.