Texas adds curriculum for interacting with law enforcement for students in Grades 9-12
Austin TX Sept 30 2018
School districts are planning the implementation of state-required instruction about how to properly interact with peace officers.
The instruction was added to the standards by the Texas Legislature during the regular session last year. The State Board of Education is required “to adopt rules to include the instruction on proper interaction with peace officers during traffic stops and other in-person encounters in one or more courses in the required curriculum for students in Grades 9-12,” according to the Texas Education Agency’s website.
SBOE also must enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to “establish respective responsibilities in developing instruction,” according to TEA’s website.
The instruction includes: duties and responsibilities of peace officers; proper ways for civilians and peace officers to interact; civilians’ rights when interacting with officers; laws regarding detention and questioning; consequences for officers and civilians for not following the laws; and how to file a complaint against or compliment for an officer.
The instruction may be tailored based on the needs of a district or community, according to the website.
Districts such as Weatherford, Millsap, Brock, Poolville and Springtown are planning and researching ways to implement this instruction. Officials for these districts said students will benefit from this instruction, and it promotes safety and awareness.
“[Peace officers] are here to protect and serve us, and there’s certain behavior that can be beneficial to you, and keep everybody safe,” Poolville ISD Superintendent Jimmie Dobbs said. “We don’t want someone getting hurt when it was uncalled for.”
The new rule is effective this school year, but districts have time to plan their instruction. Millsap ISD Assistant Superintendent Edie Martin said district officials don’t want to rush the instruction changes and it may be next year until the instruction is implemented.
Brock ISD is planning how this instruction will be implemented, Brock ISD Assistant Superintendent Dee Ann Mills said.
“We’re in the same boat as everybody else. Everybody is trying to find resources,” Mills said.
Martin said Millsap ISD officials are considering having this instruction during senior government and economic courses.
This is a path that Springtown ISD is also considering, Superintendent Mike Kelley said.
The instruction may take place in college and career classes for juniors this fall at Poolville ISD, Dobbs said. The district’s school resource officer is in talks with the Department of Public Safety to have an officer participate in the instruction.
Part of MISD’s implementation plan is to gather feedback from teachers, administrators, parents and community members about the instruction, Martin said. The goal is to help students to gain confidence when interacting with peace officers and to understand their rights and expectations.
“We want to do quality work so when kids graduate from high school or as they get to the age when they’re dealing individually with officers, we want it to be impactful, and we want to set them up for success,” Martin said.
Weatherford Police Community Service Officer Paul Tumlin said this instruction for high schoolers is positive because it could help alleviate fears and allow students to be more comfortable around officers.
Just how police officers are trained, Tumlin said people need training, too, so both can work together toward common goals.
When interacting with peace officers, Tumlin recommended that people relax and don’t make assumptions about officers.
“We’re just like them, we’re just average Joes trying to do a job and trying to make sure everybody is safe,” Tumlin said.