The Henry Ford security guard walks 1 million steps in less than two months
Dearborn MI Aug 7 2020
Charles Blevins has walked his way to a monumental personal achievement.
From May 1 to June 27, Blevins recorded 1 million steps in 57 days in an effort to stay healthy as gyms remain closed due COVID-19.
“I wanted to finish the first half of this year on a good note, so I thought I’d start calculating my steps and go for 1 million by the end of June,” he said.
Blevins, a member of the Allen Park City Council, already led an active lifestyle to combat his Type 2 diabetes. He said he gets a majority of his walking in while working as a security guard at The Henry Ford in Dearborn, but still finds time after his shifts to get more steps in.
“I walk about eight hours a day for work, and then after that, I go for a walk around the city in the evening,” Blevins said. “Being on City Council, when people ask me to take a look at something in the city, I walk there instead of driving.”
While 1 million steps in almost two months time is a big achievement, Blevins said, doing so was easy because walking has always been a hobby of his. He posted his progress on social media during his journey, and received plenty of positive comments from friends and family.
“My goal was to inspire others to have goals, and also to help my own health with being diabetic,” he said. “Now that I’ve reached 1 million steps, I’m still going to continue to try and average at least 10,000 per day.”