New York security officer dies of complications from coronavirus

STORMVILLE, N.Y. April 4 2020
A 62 year-old safety and security officer assigned to Kirby/Manhattan Psychiatric Center died Thursday night after contracting the coronavirus.
The New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) identified the man as William Plantt.
Plantt lived in Brooklyn and had been working as a security officer at Kirby/Manhattan since 2004.
No details are available as to how or when Plantt contracted the virus, but the NYSCOPBA said he died due to complications from COVID-19.
“I would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to William Plantt’s family,” said NYSCOPBA’s VP of Law Enforcement John Harmon. “He was a good man and his death is a tragedy. Like all frontline personnel during this pandemic, William came to work every day knowing the risks associated with his job and did so with professionalism and integrity.”
Harmon said Plantt’s death should send a clear message to the New York Office of Mental Health that all employees need to be provided with personal protective equipment during this crisis.
“Not doing so is an injustice to all the men and women who continue to come to work each day and serve the State of New York,” Harmon said.
As of this moment more than 300 security officers have been confirmed to have the COVID-19 virus.
We have also confirmed that nine security officers have died in the New York City area.
We have also confirmed that nine security officers have died in the New York City area.
This week we have worked with county, state and federal agencies to confirm the death toll of security officers and we will have a complete report next week.